Resources for Sales, Marketing, Investing, Brokerage and More
Formerly known as field guides, References are a one-stop resource package on dozens of subjects (technology, sales, marketing, investing, brokerage, and much more). Stop working so hard to research and compile information when it has already been designed specifically for you. You have a question? Your client have a question? Your neighbor have a question? Just check out the References for up-to-date information on most all of relevant topics for real estate. NAR References »
The best FREE way members can keep in touch with your clients
The REALTOR® Content Resource: Your source for ready-to-use articles on all aspects of homeownership, including homebuying and selling, for your consumer communications.
Use the content when you need it, how you need it:
Facebook | Twitter | Email | Your site or blog | Handouts. Learn more »
Library & Archives
NAR members and Association staff can borrow up to three electronic books, digital audios and/or videos at no cost, through the Virtual Library eBooks Collection. Up to three books, tapes, CDs and/or DVDs can be borrowed for 30 days from the Library for a nominal fee of $10. www.nar.realtor/library-archives
Thousands of new ebooks and audio books are available for download at no cost. Listen to some of the latest best sellers or some of most popular books to help your career. Don't want to listen? Simply download to your computer or mobile device to read electronically. Stop purchasing these items at retail prices and take advantage of your membership now. www.realtor.overdrive.com
NAR provides FREE access to comprehensive research reports on the economy, our market, home buyers and home sellers. www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics
REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR)
RPR will provide NAR's REALTOR® members access to a national database of robust information which will give REALTORS® the greatest access to nationwide property information needed to best serve their clients and customers. RPR is a parcel centric system which will aggregate all available data sets and attach them to a property, including tax assessment and public record information, notice of default, REO, foreclosure and pre-foreclosure data, MLS/CIE-provided information, zoning, liens, permits, school districts, flood plain maps, demographics and much more. www.narrpr.com